Category Archives: food safety

Leverage the Beverage

Close-up of glass with ice and alcohol on a table

It’s that time of the week. We’ve navigated our way past ‘hump day’ and are cruising down the straight towards Friday. We’re putting in additional efforts to wrap up projects, to get tasks firmly off our desks (and hopefully onto that of our boss), and to ready ourselves for the blissful two-day mini-vacation we lovingly […]

Tainted Treats – To What Extent Does Honey Represent a Nutritional Friend or Foe?

Bear honey bottle

Next month, just ahead of the holidays, the new movie by director Simon Curtis opens in theaters nationwide. Starring Domhnall Gleeson and Margot Robbie, ‘Goodbye Christopher Robin’ chronicles the fall and rise of British writer A.A.Milne, ultimately made famous by the books ‘Winnie the Pooh and its sequel, ‘The House at Pooh Corner.’ Milne wrote […]

Functional Comfort Food – The Future of Chocolate


So far, one thing about 2017 is abundantly clear – it has been a year of new ideas, innovation, and the meeting of fresh challenges. A period of milestones achieved and deadlines crushed, of new directions followed and novel experiences realized. And perhaps it’s true to say that nowhere is this more evident than in […]
