Do you ever feel like you need to escape? Perhaps to take a few moments to clear your mind of all things to do with a certain virus, shelter-in-place orders, or empty grocery store shelves? Well, we’ve got you covered. Let’s hop into our imaginary time machine and travel back to the mid-1630s when the […]
Author Archives: Berkshire Corporation
In a casual perusal of the shelves at our local bookstore, it was hard not to notice a prominent display groaning with investment ‘how-to’ guides. Maybe it’s because folks are mindful of the upcoming tax season and ruminating hopefully on where to plant their anticipated windfall. Or maybe those who observe Lent are watching their […]
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it is said. It is also held that one man’s meat is another man’s poison. Part of our everyday lexicon, such aphorisms speak to the subjectivity of taste and individual predilection. However, some appetencies are less subjective, some foodstuffs are – at best – ‘an acquired […]
In Europe of the early modern period, one now common item came to be regarded first with suspicion and then with outright fear. A silent killer, it appeared to afflict only the wealthy classes, leaving its victims writhing in cramping constipation, succumbing to the malaise of intense nausea, and enduring the twin torments of diminished […]
Long before the world was introduced to flippy chains, mobius balls, and traditional fidget spinners, those with excess energy or just a bad case of the jitters were forced to find other outlets for their nervous excitement. And one of these has recently come to be characterized as an extreme recreational activity. Banned in many […]
On the paradise island of Maui in the Hawaiian archepeligo, a small farm nestles at the foot of the Mauna Kahālāwai, a mountain range where – it is said – the gods reside. On the luxuriant viridian hillside, cacao pods ripen gently on trees first imported by German immigrants in the 19th century and, complemented […]
Here at Food Contact Surfaces, we’re dedicated to bringing you news you can chew on. In – dare we say it – highly digestible articles, we’ve examined the Case for Crickets as a high protein snack as well as the Crisis of the Contaminated Cheeto, and are constantly alert to food analyses that tease out […]
Welcome to 2020 – and what a time it’s going to be! Following the celebrations of ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year,’ you’ll be forgiven for experiencing ‘The Most Hungover Time of the (New) Year.’ Let’s face it – who did not overindulge during the holidays? So if you need a few minutes of […]
Finally, we have entered into the ‘Holiday Season.’ Those exciting few weeks when the world glistens with a twinkling sprinkling of icy magic, or – depending on your perspective (and number of children, we suppose) – when we step nervously into the Most Expensive Time of the Year. In culinary terms, the weeks between Thanksgiving […]
Even outside of St. Patrick’s Day with its shamrock milkshakes, leprechaun cupcakes, and the always popular viridian beer (with drinkers green to the gills the following day), we hear a lot about green these days. Look in any paper or online news source and you’ll find myriad articles on becoming more green, green-washing, and most […]