When is a commodity not a commodity? If that sounds like one of our confounded riddles, it’s actually a serious question. And the answer is when it’s vaporware. Vapor-what? Vaporware refers to hardware or software that is being actively promoted but which has yet to be fully developed or finalized as a tangible product. Nebulous […]
Camels – those ‘ships of the desert’ more usually associated with the Arabian Peninsula, Kazakhstan, or Somalia – are now to be sighted grazing the verdant rolling hills of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, home to the largest Amish settlements east of the Mississippi. Yes, welcome to the arguably weird world of camel farming… …camel milk is […]
In the olden days – that Time of Yore to which we routinely look for reassurance that things in the past were indeed better – it was relatively easy to judge whether food was bad or not. Was the piece of meat crawling with maggots? Nope? OK, then it’s what’s for dinner. That apple with […]
Keto, paleo, vegan, pescetarian, vegetarian, 80/20, and Standard American…there are more diets today than you can shake a fruit leather stick at, with some further than others along the ‘fruit loop’ spectrum. (We’re looking at you, blood type diet…) And just when we think we have a handle on what healthy, balanced eating means, another […]
Anyone who has successfully raised a child to adulthood knows that what our little ones put in their mouths can be a constant battle of wills. As babies and toddlers, young humans like to explore the world orally, making sense of the textures and shapes of new objects by putting them in their mouths. And […]
Flatolophiles (and you know who you are) rejoice! At long last, aficionados of the gas we pass finally have a book to call their own – and we’re not talking about the seminal children’s work of that same name. Like everyone else with their finger on the pulse of book publishing, we are talking about […]
Cell-Cultured Fruit, Polyphenols, Bioreactors and Non-Melting Ice-Cream For the pint-sized inquisitive mind, a trip to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral can be the highlight of an educational away-day. Filled with astrophysical oddities and actual rocket scientists, it’s enough to instill wonder and inspire innovation in minds young and not-so-young alike. When one of […]
Here at Berkshire we love food. We love making it safer by researching it, writing about it, and ‘consumer testing’ it. From ruby chocolate to cockroach milk, charcoal ice-cream to pizzas in space, we’ve scanned the aisles and checked out the newest and tastiest trends in order to bring you the most up-to-date, cutting-edge food […]
Little whispers ‘I love You!’ more fervently than a heart-shaped box of candies. Nothing gets the pulse racing and the ‘feel-good’ hormones circulating quite as quickly as sweet caramels enrobed in darkly mysterious, exotic chocolate. Nothing sets the scene quite as sweetly as a single truffle nestled suggestively atop a silken pillow. Unless, of course, […]
Just last weekend a story hit the headlines that was the press equivalent of watching a train wreck in slow motion. Consuming column inches from tabloids to broadsheets on both sides of the Pond, the Case of the Giant Tapeworm fascinated fish foodies and pesca-phobes in equal measure. Arriving at a Fresno, California, emergency room, […]